Connect to AWS VPC via VPN and Mikrotik CHRWe have a requirement to connect to some EC2 servers inside an AWS VPC from office. Due to some limits we cannot use AWS site2site VPN; so…Oct 6, 20231Oct 6, 20231
Istio-Ingressgateway, Health check failedOn a newly AWS EKS cluster, istio 1.18 is installed. However the LB health check failed (0 node healthy) for istio-ingressgateway service.Sep 15, 2023Sep 15, 2023
Validate ES256/384 JWT tokens by JDKI need to validate a JWT token, created as ES256 or ES384 alg. By checking the well-known libraries(from…Sep 7, 2023Sep 7, 2023
Kafka, retention is not work ?Got warnings from Kakfa Cluster on Prod (Storage > 80%).May 16, 2023May 16, 2023
GraalVM and GuiceI am building the native code for a project which uses Google Guice as DI engine.Mar 8, 2023Mar 8, 2023
Clone my apartment entrance cardThe management office of my apartment gives me 5 cards, looks likeDec 27, 2022Dec 27, 2022
Install Kube2iam on Amazon EKSTo access resources in AWS, a POD running in EKS can use either ways to grant the permission:Jun 27, 2022Jun 27, 2022
Spring Cloud Gateway with logsWhen using the Spring Cloud Gateway, I want to show the request/response details in logs. This thread helped a lot:Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Validate Azure B2C id_tokenFor a web app, Azure b2c login is used and in a 3rd party backend service we want to validate it is a valid request.Feb 9, 2022Feb 9, 2022